SIOP is the only global multidisciplinary society entirely devoted to paediatric and adolescent cancer. The society has over 3,500 members worldwide including doctors, nurses, other health-care professionals, scientists and researchers. Our members are dedicated to increasing knowledge about all aspects of childhood cancer.
SIOP’s vision is that no child should die of cancer: cure for more, care for all.
Improve the lives of children and adolescents with cancer through global collaboration, education, training, research and advocacy.
Goal 1: Advocating Globally for Children and Adolescents with Cancer
To meet this goal, SIOP will:
Develop and share advocacy and technical expertise to improve childhood cancer services
Promote enabling policies and arguments for resource allocation to childhood cancer
Foster international commitments and build SIOP’s visibility
Goal 2: Promoting Research to Improve Outcomes for Patients
To meet this goal, SIOP will:
Facilitate childhood cancer research collaborations
Disseminate knowledge of key childhood cancer research findings and recognise research excellence through scholarships, prize lectures and awards
Identify gaps in current research and evidence base regarding childhood cancer incidence, biology and treatment in LMICs, and promote research to address these gaps
Goal 3: Providing Education and Training
To meet this goal, SIOP will:
Improve early detection with creation and dissemination of relevant guidance
Share educational and training opportunities
Create online educational material and repositories
Goal 4: Increasing Membership and Engagement
To meet this goal, SIOP will:
Understand trends in membership over time
Broaden membership to include more members from other disciplines and from every continent
Increase membership in the YI category
Create more opportunities for member engagement in SIOP’s work
Enhance communications, including in languages other than English
Goal 5: Strengthen and Expand Strategic Partnerships
To meet this goal, SIOP will:
Work in close partnership with WHO
Develop and consolidate strategic partner- ships with childhood cancer healthcare providers who have extensive outreach programmes
Strengthen partnership working with parents and survivors
Develop other strategic partnerships (e.g. donors, industry, academia)
Goal 1: Advocating Globally for Children and Adolescents with Cancer
To meet this goal, SIOP will:
Develop and share advocacy and technical expertise to improve childhood cancer services
Promote enabling policies and arguments for resource allocation to childhood cancer
Foster international commitments and build SIOP’s visibility
Goal 2: Promoting Research to Improve Outcomes for Patients
To meet this goal, SIOP will:
Facilitate childhood cancer research collaborations
Disseminate knowledge of key childhood cancer research findings and recognise research excellence through scholarships, prize lectures and awards
Identify gaps in current research and evidence base regarding childhood cancer incidence, biology and treatment in LMICs, and promote research to address these gaps
Goal 3: Providing Education and Training
To meet this goal, SIOP will:
Improve early detection with creation and dissemination of relevant guidance
Share educational and training opportunities
Create online educational material and repositories
Goal 4: Increasing Membership and Engagement
To meet this goal, SIOP will:
Understand trends in membership over time
Broaden membership to include more members from other disciplines and from every continent
Increase membership in the YI category
Create more opportunities for member engagement in SIOP’s work
Enhance communications, including in languages other than English
Goal 5: Strengthen and Expand Strategic Partnerships
To meet this goal, SIOP will:
Work in close partnership with WHO
Develop and consolidate strategic partner- ships with childhood cancer healthcare providers who have extensive outreach programmes
Strengthen partnership working with parents and survivors
Develop other strategic partnerships (e.g. donors, industry, academia)